
Сообщения за март, 2021

My Lunch Date with You

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Darla's Blindfold

Darla's Blindfold February roars violently from out of the west across the flat expanse of white fields surrounding the sprawling ranch home. Window panes rattle in their frames. The rattle reverberates at Darla Weston's ear. Sleet peppers white cold frosted glass. Fear follows the blow that shook the rafters over her head and beyond the wood and the glass the temperature continues to plummet. "David?" Darla calls out questioning. Darla's question asked softly is hardly a whimper above the storm brewing beyond the French doors that rattle a warning of the worst yet to come. In the basement beneath the master bedroom the furnace functions. Darla strains to listen around the machinery humming. The furnace cycles warmth from beneath her sanctuary in the master bedroom where Darla is held captive. Darla understands your position precarious. She fusses with the blue cord fresh from the cellophane wrapping though she knows not the color of her husband's current pe...

The Porn Star

All characters are 18+ Tags: Huge Cock, Huge Balls, Hyper Balls, Excessive Cum, Cumflation, Cum Drunk, Can't Stop Cumming, Fucking on Camera ~ It was a chilly November evening when Kath arrived at the apartment she would be shooting in. She'd been doing cam-sessions online for a few months since she turned 18, but now she'd managed to land a job as an actual porn actress! She'd got a sizable following for her livestreams; people liked her cute 'e-girl' fashion sense, with her bright pink hair in pigtails and e-girl make up, but she had a body to match. She was gifted with a naturally curvy body, and her viewers loved her natural 36G boobs and her round booty. As she waited to be buzzed into the building, shivering in her big puffa jacket, she reflected on this job offer. She had been warned that it would be an interesting and unusual shoot for her first gig, but she was excited to dive in at the deep end. The fact that they were paying her to be at the shoot ...

Jacqueline de Belleville Pt. 03

Part 3 - Jacqueline's Sister Chapter 7: Finding Julieta "Hassan requires another story from you," says A'isha the next morning. "Only he wants one with a happy ending for once. Can you manage such a thing?" "Oh! Do you mean that my first story when I ended up enslaved in Hassan's harem doesn't rank as a happy ending?" I reply mischievously. "You know what I mean, Zakiyah," growls A'isha, using my imposed slave name to reinforce my lowly status within this harem. "And remember Samed's cane is always available to keep you in order." I'm never sure what to make of Hassan's sister A'isha. There are times when she's really friendly, but she can also be as hard as nails if any of us overstep some undefined line. While none of the 32 young women kidnapped and sold into slavery by the vile Nathaniel Wickliffe want to be here at Wadi Halaf, I mustn't forget that Hassan and A'isha didn't reall...

Not Safe For Work Ch. 05

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Audentes Fortuna Iuvat

(Author's Note: This is not the final addition to Jack and Veronica's story arc; there is a forthcoming epilogue which is the final work in this story arc. Author's Note2: This is a work of fiction; for example, a casual review of the temperatures I've implied and those I explicitly listed throughout the story arc will reveal a strong dichotomy with the actual recorded temperatures.) XLV Friday, 18 December, 2016 [14 months since the events of Carthago Delenda Est], 0515 hours Staff Sergeant Jack Northcutt, United States Army, (Mobilized) Individual Ready Reserve, finished filling the filter of the well used and often abused, Hamilton Beach, black and stainless, 40 cup, urn-style coffee maker. Jack was the first one to arrive at the briefing room for the daily 0700 company briefing, and as was custom throughout Jack's career when he was the first to arrive, took it upon himself to turn on the lights, turn up the heat, and start making coffee. Jack hated the instit...