Eveline's Strangest Journey Ch. 29

Chapter 29 - Councilwoman Rogers

Eveline was not really a politician before she won the election. She really did not even consider herself a serious candidate. As far as she was concerned, running for office was nothing more than a publicity stunt that her boss had set up to bring notoriety to her modeling career.

Well, now she was a public official. Not just any public official, but the first full-time nudist public official ever elected in the US. She was now a public figure, with a lot of media attention directed towards her.

If I don't watch what I'm doing, this can go really bad. Really, really, bad.

Eveline was obsessed with doing everything she could to avoid looking stupid. It wasn't just the notoriety of being first nudist politician in the US. Her fear went much deeper than that. She was convinced that stupidity ran in her family, based on the fact that her mother and brother were both in jail for being idiots. She would avoid being stupid at all costs, and she would avoid any situation that would make her appear stupid, at all costs. Making a mistake or not having her facts straight was not an option for Councilwoman Eveline Rogers.

Eveline drafted Jenny and Lance to become her assistants by playing on their romantic attraction to her. As she put it:

"If you are not studying, sleeping, or practicing basketball, I expect you to be here. No questions. I want you here, ready to work. Whenever you have a moment of down-time from school is time you'll will be spending with me."

Eveline pushed her two lovers mercilessly. Jenny had to research everything having to do with school funding, sports, parks, and the university. Lance was responsible for researching everything else, as well as preparing speeches and talking points.

Eveline insisted that Jenny and Lance be naked at all times, whether they were with her or not. Jenny was contractually obligated to be naked by her university, but now Lance had to join her.

Nancy and the reporter Giselle were correct that if Eveline ran for public office, the publicity would give her more notoriety as a model. Within six months of starting her career with the auction house, she would become the most sought-after auction presenter in the US and participate in the sale of some of the most expensive and famous objects around the world.

Booking Eveline and Nancy to present at an auction became increasingly expensive. However, anyone wanting to sell off an over-priced object knew that whatever Nancy charged for Eveline to present, she'd pay for herself many times over. Eveline started to develop fans, who tuned into and recorded every auction where she was the presenter.

Eveline's circumstances had committed her more than ever to living completely without clothes. She knew that if she was ever seen or photographed wearing anything other than her company's sandals, it would seriously damage her career, not to mention being a breach of her contract. Her constant nakedness was part of her public mystique, along with her shy smile and quiet manner of carrying herself while she was working.

She wondered if she'd ever return to wearing clothing at some point in the future. If she did, it certainly wouldn't be anytime soon.


Eveline's political career advanced along with her modeling career.

At the beginning of her public service, no one took her seriously. She was nothing more than a novelty candidate. Yes, it was interesting that Tri-Rivers had elected the country's very first full-time nudist to office, but really, who was going to take anything a naked 18-year-old had to say seriously?

It wasn't just Eveline's age and choice of attire. How could anyone say she was qualified to represent anyone? She has been elected due to unique circumstances that ensured she had almost no opposition. She was still in high school (after having flunked the previous year) and living with a teacher. She was a nude model; a highly-paid nude model, but just a nude model nevertheless. How much brains does it take to stand naked in front of some over-priced item, strike a pose, and smile?

Then, there was her family. Definitely not model citizens. Her mother was in jail for some pretty nasty financial scams. And there was her brother, Lucas the meth cook. That was one hell of a scandal, even worse than anything her mother had done. The explosion and fire that leveled her family's house had put 38 people in the hospital with burns and fractures of varying severity. Some of those casualties, including Lucas and his girlfriend, would be horribly disfigured for the rest of their lives.

Nancy and Coach Strickland were very aware of what Eveline was up against as far as getting anyone to respect her was concerned. So was the Foreign Ministry of the West African Confederation. So was Eveline herself. But, as Comandante Foxtrot always said: "Nothing is impossible, especially for a man of action like myself."

In Eveline's case, "making the impossible, inevitable" meant that Strickland and Nancy were expected to find out what issues the city council was planning to discuss at upcoming meetings, passing the information to the WAC embassy, receiving talking points a day or so later, and using them to prep Eveline to speak at the council meetings. To the shock of her fellow city council members, the nude 18-year-old actively participated in discussions and always spoke like a professional, using vocabulary that was way beyond the language of a typical high school student. She did not just vote and support or oppose proposals; she started to promote initiatives on her own.

One of Councilwoman Rogers' first campaigns, one that really took off, was to fight to reverse her predecessor's transfer of a city park to a towing company. When Joe's Towing took over the land, the company cut down all the trees, paved the ground, and fenced the area to create an impound lot. They literally "paved paradise to put up a parking lot". It was great for Joe's Towing, having its impound lot downtown. The converted area greatly increased the number of cars the tow-truck drivers were able to snatch off the streets, because they no longer had to drive their prizes to the edge of town. That bribe was definitely money well-spent.

Regardless of who had been paid what, as far as Eveline was concerned, the towing company would have to relinquish the property and compensate the city to have it replanted with grass and trees. Eveline had the backing of thousands of residents who wanted the park restored, and hundreds of car owners who had been victims of the company's predatory towing. Eveline made herself popular as she entered into the first conflict of her political career targeting a business owner who was hated by the public.

It certainly did not help the cause of Joe's Towing when the day manager stormed out drunk with a baseball bat and threatened to bash Eveline's "nudie slut cunt to mush". Not a smart thing to say to a city councilwoman in front of a rally of hundreds of angry residents.

The end for Joe's Towing came quickly after the base-ball bat incident. The police entered the compound and arrested the manager for threatening a public official. As soon as the manager left in handcuffs, angry residents blockaded the entrances to the lot and refused to let tow-trucks in or out. The police chief decided that having his officers intervene wasn't worth the negative publicity for the department, which effectively left Joe's Towing without any police protection. The company had to suspend its operations and a few days later Joe filed for bankruptcy. In the middle of the night company employees pulled their equipment off the lot and abandoned it. The next day Eveline's supporters poured into the area, tore down all the fencing, and held a block party in her honor. Restoration of the park would take a while, but Joe's Towing was gone, and Eveline had won her first major victory.












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